7 Effective digital marketing strategy in the restaurant industry

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Are you running a restaurant? If so, then you must be aware of how digital marketing in the restaurant industry is becoming increasingly competitive and how it has become more difficult for restaurant owners to capture people’s attention and reach more customers.

You can’t stay on top of the game just by promoting your restaurant through traditional methods like brochures, paper menus, etc. Because up to 90% of people research restaurants online before deciding where to eat.

To get your business in front of customers, you need to present your restaurant online and implement a strong digital marketing strategy for your restaurant.

Here are some best digital marketing strategies for restaurants

Design an eye-catching website

Your website is like an online business card for your restaurant. It’s the first thing potential clients notice, and after taking a look at it, they will decide whether or not to order from your restaurant.

Statistics show that 88% of the world’s population looks online before making a buying decision. If you want to be at the top of your game, you need to start building the perfect website for your restaurant.

A good restaurant website should be visually appealing. Easy to use, and it should provide consumers with all the information they need about your business, such as time, menu, contact information, address, event details, and so on.

More than half of all website visitors use mobile devices. So make sure your site is mobile-friendly and easy to use on any device.

It is not enough to simply create a fantastic website. You must also guarantee that it is properly maintained and updated on a regular basis. So that visitors always get the relevant information.

It is advisable to hire a professional website designer to design a website for your restaurant.

 Focus on Local SEO

Applying search engine optimization (SEO) to your website is one of the most important steps in restaurant digital marketing. It plays a vital role in getting organic traffic to your website and ultimately, customers in your restaurant. When someone searches ” restaurant near me” on Google. Your SEO rating will calculate how your restaurant shows up in front of them.

To turn your website visitor into a real customer, you need to make sure that your website’s SEO makes you a local hotspot.

While SEO can be a difficult process, you can improve it for your website with a few easy steps:

  • Write keyword-friendly blogs on your website full of engaging and relevant content.
  • Ensure every page on your website utilizes local keywords.
  • You need to make sure that every page on your website should be connected with internal and external links.
  • Your website must be Mobile Responsiveness
  • Your website page load time should be 2 to 3 seconds
  • Create a Google My Business Account.
  • Make sure your website content is updated from time to time

Social Media

60% of the world population uses social media means your 60% of your potential customers are on social media.

So, it’s a great opportunity to promote your delicious food on social media. you can make people mouth-watering by showing off your delicious food on their social media feeds. 

Here are some great tips for making digital marketing plans for your restaurant:

  • Choose social media platforms where you get more engagement, and digital marketing for a restaurant best with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and, Twitter.
  • Keep your social media posts memorable and eye-catching – share professional pictures of your dishes, reviews, restaurant photos, and your services.
  • Post your offer and organize a quiz so your post gets more engagement with your post and offers free discs to the winner.
  • Try to post videos because most of the platforms drive more engagement with video than pictures.
  • Use a call to action (CTA) on your post like “order now” that will drive visitors to your website and order online.

 Influencer Marketing

If you don’t have a good number of followers on your social media account. Don’t worry, you can still reach out to thousands of people using influencer marketing.

You can invite food bloggers to your restaurant to offer them free meals and ask them to make a blog video for your restaurant and food and post the video on their social media channels. Like this, you can promote your restaurant’s food to their thousands of followers.

Collect Online Reviews

Mostly when we buy something online. The first thing we check before making a buying decision is reviews. We want to see what other people have to say about this restaurant. What their experience with this restaurant’s food is. You need to take the benefit of online reviews and the level of confidence consumers put in them.

You can ask every paying customer to give you a review on Google My Business, the website, and social media platforms. To encourage them to give you a review, you can give them a special discount or give them a free drink.

Video Marketing

Videos are the most engaging content on social media. You can make short videos for YouTube shorts and Instagram Reels of the most popular food of your restaurant, scenes of your restaurants, and also you can record video testimonials of customers and post them.

This will help you gain more trust in your restaurant and gain more followers and customers.

Give online delivery facilities

People are sometimes very lazy or sometimes they are busy with work so they don’t want to visit your restaurant and eat instead of they like to deliver food at their office or home. In this case, you should have online delivery facilities so you can serve every kind of customer reach to you.

You can either register your restaurant on food delivery apps like Zomato or Swigi or you can have your own delivery food delivery system.

Statistics prediction proves that the online delivery sector is going to be 13 billion US dollars by 2025. So if you apply an online delivery facility to your digital marketing strategy, then you are part of that billion-dollar industry.


These are 7 effective digital marketing strategies for restaurants. Implement everything and take your restaurant business to the next level.

Want to know how an Easy and Cost-effective Digital Marketing Strategy can help you grow your restaurant in the next 30 days?

Feel Free to Book a Consultation by dropping & email at mosharafhussain1997@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +91-8252001961

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Author’s Bio: Mosharaf Hussain has over 5 years of experience in the digital marketing industry and has assisted numerous business owners in growing their online presence. He is passionate about learning new strategies to enhance business growth and implementing them effectively to boost online businesses.

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